Just read a great article from the Dallas Morning News by Jamie Hancock. She interviewed several dermatologists and skin care specialists. The basic message is with skin care less is usually more. The buzzwords these days are “all natural and organic”.
Just because something is natural does not mean it works as an agent for skin care. Lime juice is good for exfoliation but with exposure to sun it can cause blistering. If something is natural and it works well for you then use it. Don’t be guided by marketing slogans on skin care products. Taking care of your largest body organ is critical to good health.
mtii sunless tanning
Healthy Skin Care Products Are Vital
Maintaining one’s skin is important as it is the body’s largest organ and is constantly exposed to harmful conditions. Healthy skin care products are the key. Whether it’s UV rays, chemicals, toxins, irritants, allergens, or a host of other things, being aware is critical for protection. Using healthy skin products protects against one of the greatest risks to robust skin, UV rays, both UVA and UVB. They both are harmful and can lead to skin cancers, early aging and wrinkles.
Regulation of Tanning Beds Spreads
On May 1st Ontario began enforcing a new law regulating tanning beds. It is primarily aimed at those under 18 years of age. Known as Bill 30, Skin Cancer Prevention Act (Tanning Beds), the law makes Ontario the eighth province to regulate tanning beds and also restricts advertising aimed at the under-18 market.Additionally, tanning salons must … Read more
Sunless Tanning With Melanotan 2
About six years ago I began researching Melanotan 2 (MTII) and soon after began using it to achieve a beautiful tan and my skin has gotten much healthier with far less exposure to the sun. I was never satisfied with the look of any other sunless tanning methods. I keep my tan pretty much year … Read more
Healthy Tanning Time!
March is behind us and hopefully the crazy winter of 2014 is history. Getting outdoors is on our minds and a little preparation is a good thing. Whether you’re spending time in the garden, on the golf course, playing some tennis or headed to the beach, you need to be thinking about your skin. Healthy tanning takes preparation! Even … Read more